The story of Nuxe really started in the early 1990s when Aliza Jabes, discovered a small laboratory in Paris and transformed it into an international brand, recognised for its quality and effectiveness and awarded countless times. Based on a pharmaceutical...
The story of Nuxe really started in the early 1990s when Aliza Jabes, discovered a small laboratory in Paris and transformed it into an international brand, recognised for its quality and effectiveness and awarded countless times. Based on a pharmaceutical approach, this brand features unique products formulated from an exclusive selection of active ingredients extracted from plants with unmistakable textures and aromas. This legendary brand was made famous for its multipurpose dry oil caring for both skin and hair, a first in French pharmacies. Today, Nuxe is the number 1 brand of natural-origin cosmetics in France and is particularly renowned for its anti-ageing ranges catering to women of all ages. French Beauty Co is an official stockist of Nuxe. We offer free Australia-wide delivery on all orders over $69 and free samples with each order. Shop now and pay later with Afterpay and Klarna at checkout.